Synthetic Deer Lure 2 oz


100% Synthetic Deer Lures. Legal in most States (know your local game laws). 2 ounce spray bottles.

There are no preservatives in any of our products.


SKU: Syn lure 2oz Categories: ,


100% Synthetic Deer Lures. Legal in all States (know your local game laws). 2 ounce spray bottles.

These are the synthetics everyone is talking about! Why, because they work!

Hands down the best synthetics on the market.

There are no preservatives in any of our products and YES even synthetic lure will eventually spoil. Although synthetics tend to have a longer shelf life they do not remain fresh forever. If a company claims their synthetics NEVER spoil it is because they add preservatives, and we DO NOT for one reason and that is because a deer nose can detect preservatives as it is not natural in nature..

Store in cool dark location when not being used.

Multi year shelf life.

Additional information

Weight N/A

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